Doing Well In The Midst Of Big Change
Doing Well In The Midst Of Big Change I thought this topic to be fitting for May, since May is Mental Health Awareness Month because many of us are going through big changes right now. It seems life has turned the page into a new chapter for many of us. Here are some...
What’s Killing You Today?
What’s Killing You Today? In the United States, one of the biggest challenges people face is Chronic Disease. Examples include: Heart Disease Diabetes Cancer High Cholesterol Arthritis Kidney Disease Depression Alzheimer’s Pulmonary Disease Hypertension Did you know...
Use The Negative for Positive Results!
Use The Negative for Positive Results! Did you know? Your muscles are much stronger when they work while being lengthened. This is called an Eccentric contraction. Your body uses Eccentric contractions when you bend, lower something you have lifted, or put the brakes...
Seven Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
Seven Benefits of Regular Physical Activity Everyone knows that exercise is good for your physical and mental health. Here are 7 of the many benefits of physical activity. Exercise controls weight Exercise can help you control your weight and prevent additional...
Staying Fit Surviving the holidays & keeping your health intact. Abria Queen if Fitness by A. Queen shares some great tips.
7 Ways Eating at Home Can Improve Your Health
Eating healthy is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health and well-being. While there are many different ways to eat healthy, one of the most effective is to eat at home. I’ll show you seven ways eating at home can improve your health....
Why Chocolate Shouldn’t Be a Guilty Pleasure
Why Chocolate Shouldn’t Be a Guilty Pleasure How do you find happiness in your life? I eat chocolate. All of us walk through a world each day that is fast-paced and filled with so many different obstacles. Life is both beautiful and ugly at the same time, and with our...
Pampered Chef Consultants Don & Bonnie Smith Pampered chef has come a long way! They offer so many products to make your life easier and to help you cook like a gourmet. They also have a wedding registry, perfect gifts for the new bride.
Adrenal Fatigue Feel tired all of the time? You may have adrenal fatigue. Andrea Shetley, independent dist with DoTerra tells about more systems.
Health Benefits of Wearing Copper Jewelry
From ancient civilizations to modern times, copper has held a significant place in human history. Beyond its industrial applications, copper has also been used to create exquisite and captivating pieces of jewelry. In recent years, the popularity of copper jewelry has...
Health Benefits of Reducing Stress
Health Benefits of Reducing Stress Stress is a part of everyday life. It can be happy stress, traumatic stress, or a compilation of daily stressors. The problem with stress is that if it’s not controlled well, it can wreak havoc on your mind and body. Controlling...
HOW FREQUENCIES AFFECT YOUR BODY We are living in a time of technological progress like never before. There are constantly new advances in the fields of science and healthcare. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and...
Mike Broadwell of Medica Health International This treatment helps create balance in the body. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves. A combination of full spectrum light, color gemstones and EMF frequencies that are the same as our brainwaves allows the body to use these natural...