Health Benefits of Wearing Copper Jewelry

Health Benefits of Wearing Copper Jewelry

From ancient civilizations to modern times, copper has held a significant place in human history. Beyond its industrial applications, copper has also been used to create exquisite and captivating pieces of jewelry. In recent years, the popularity of copper jewelry has...


HOW FREQUENCIES AFFECT YOUR BODY We are living in a time of technological progress like never before. There are constantly new advances in the fields of science and healthcare. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and...

Yoga At Work To Distress; Help Your Posture

We are all stressed as we work at our computer desks. We wish we were able to move a little more to feel better physically and mentally. As we continue in our desk successes we also continue on damaging our posture. We need to be prepared for work daily, but is our...
Mike Broadwell of Medica Health International

Mike Broadwell of Medica Health International

This treatment helps create balance in the body. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves. A combination of full spectrum light, color gemstones and EMF frequencies that are the same as our brainwaves allows the body to use these natural elements to bring itself...

How to Fix Your Hormones and Lose Weight

“I’ve hit a stubborn weight-loss plateau,” writes this week’s house call, “even though I seem to be doing everything right, like eating the right foods and exercising . How can I overcome that obstacle?” I’ve discussed different reasons for weight-loss resistance in...

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