Many people choose a dog because it’s cute and then run into problems because it’s personality conflicts with the needs of the adoptive family.  That’s where a little soul searching is necessary. First you need to decide what traits your dog will need in order to adapt well to its new home, i.e how long will the dog be left alone most days, what energy level and size is best suited for your household (dogs like terriers are high energy dogs, and greyhounds, although large, are very low energy dogs and require minimal interaction with their owners).  Once you’ve decided what breed, age and personality traits you are looking for in a dog then you can begin looking for your new family member. 

Look at your local rescue organizations.  Knowing the breed of dog that will suit your family will make a decision with any rescue group easier.  If you cannot find what you are looking for locally, look to nearby rescues organizations nearby. There is also the option of choosing a specific breed rescue. Let’s say you decided a golden retriever is the breed you want, if you do not find one locally you can search for a golden retriever rescue group. You can be specific about what personality traits you are looking for and they can match a dog that is suitable.  The groups are not always local. I got a cocker spaniel from a rescue group in Atlanta, she was a perfect addition to our family. That is also something to consider.  A rescue  will already be house broken and know basic commands.  You will want one that is crate trained as well. There’s lots of discussion about crate training, but the real story is that dogs are den animals and a crate is their safe place.  Don’t overlook black dogs. Black dogs are euthanized than any other color. Rescue dogs are very appreciative of a new home and will be a companion for years to come.

.It takes a dog, whether a puppy or a rescue, three to four weeks to acclimate to their new environment, so be patient.  He will be a faithful companion for all his life.


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