The U.S. Space & Rocket Center Guest Services and Information Desk is located at the ticket desk in the main museum. We are dedicated to making your visit to the Center a terrific experience, and we offer the following services:
FREE Wheelchair or Stroller Checkout
Simply leave your driver’s license or picture identification with the ticket desk and check out a wheelchair or stroller for the day.
Member Check-In
Renew a membership, update information on your account, or check in to the museum for the day. If you aren’t a member yet, this is where you’ll become part of our community!
Click here to learn more about Membership opportunities.
Group Check-In
If you have a group reservation, check in quickly and be on your way to a fun-filled, educational adventure!
VIP Guest Check-In
Check in here with employee passes, comp tickets, or if your name is on the guest register.
Guest Information
Have a question? We have an answer! Get directions, information or assistance here.
Kennels are available and located to the east of the museum. Guests may obtain a lock and key to the kennel from the guest services information desk. Photo ID is required.
Electric Scooter
Electric Convenience Vehicles (ECVs) are battery-powered devices that are used by guests who may have difficulty walking over medium to long distances. These scooters are powered by quiet-running electric motors and come in three- or four-wheel models. They are steered using handlebars that are attached to a vertical arm known as a tiller. Scooters are also great for outdoor use and can be driven easily over a variety of surfaces.
$25.00 Rental
Available in the Gift ShopÂ