Contact Information
Huntsville, Alabama, United States
Detailed Information

Roquita Johnson is a Certified World Class Public Speaking Coach and Certified Virtual Presenter. She is the Founder/President of Roquita Johnson Public Speaking LLC, a public speaking training firm that transforms individuals from simply being public speakers to being powerful presenters, specializing in working with Christian female professionals and entrepreneurs. She has worked with a variety of national nonprofits, associations, private organizations, and speaker bureaus to help their people become confident, clear, engaging speakers and storytellers. Roquita loves focusing on bringing out the BEST version of who someone already is as a speaker, instead of changing who they authentically are.

Roquita is proud to be a co-author of the Black Speakers Network’s Amazon #1 best-selling book: “Speak Up! The Ultimate Guide to Dominate in the Speaking Industry.”

Roquita considers it a calling to help people “Slay the Stage!”

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