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Courtney Willoughby
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Courtney Joy Willoughby was born and raised in California and has been a resident of Huntsville for the last 3 years. She is a wife to an Army veteran and mom of 2. From a young age, she’s had the entrepreneur bug. Selling lemonade as a kid and fundraising for her various sports like dance, cheerleading and swim team. In 2018 she started her first business selling handmade baby clothes and had great success in her business with the help of social media. That is when she first fell in love with marketing and branding.  


Established in 2021, Mave Marketing is a sister company to Wildflower Real Estate Services; a women-owned business located in middle Tennessee. Mave’s specialty is working with realtors and small businesses to expand their brand and create an impact inside and outside of their community through many forms of marketing from graphic design to social media marketing, workshops and consultations with a coaching feel. 


Since 2021, Mave Marketing has worked with over 50 business owners in 8 different states across the country and continues to grow and expand their services. 


When she's not making marketing magic happen, you can find Courtney near the pool in the summer, at a Huntsville havoc game, or volunteering at her kid’s school. 



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